From April 20, 2018 7:30 pm until April 22, 2018 5:00 pm


Posted by Super User

Categories: ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ

Hits: 1005

Dear colleaguesPantheo Congress 2018

On behalf of the organising committee I would like to welcome you to our 2018 annual congress.

As always, we are extremely grateful made by our overseas speakers who take time out their busy lives to attend our meeting. Without their participation the impact of all our efforts would be greatly diminished.

As you may have noticed, this year, we have increased the number of contributions made by medical students and doctors in training. The Alistair Fielder Prize in Ophthalmology is becoming ever more popular, and the presentations made each year by the junior members of our cohort have been some of the most refreshing and stimulating. Our philosophy is that this group of aspiring ophthalmologists should be given the opportunity to inspire and be inspired.

Another new addition to the program this year is the Pantheo Foundation Lecture. We have for the past three years donated all proceeds from our meeting to the Foundation. Support for its work is growing steadily and this year we have taken on a new medical student. The named lecture series we hope will help promote the Foundation’s aims. Knowing how busy he is and how many invitations he receives yearly, we are very honoured that Sir Peng Khaw is giving the first of these lectures.

Finally, as always, the aim of this weekend is not just to work and learn, but also to take the time to form bonds and friendships that we hope will last well beyond this meeting.

Theodoros Potamitis